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Media Production, Undergraduates, and More

Gary W. Larson, Ph.D.larson-new

Associate Professor-in-Residence, and
Undergraduate Coordinator
Office: 2135 Greenspun Hall (Academic), and 1249 Greenspun Hall (Production)
Spring Semester 2017 Office Hours: 2:00-4:00, Monday through Friday

Welcome to my faculty website!

I have been fortunate to serve as the Undergraduate Coordinator for the Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies since 2005;  it’s a position I enjoy as it allows me to work with students throughout their entire college careers, particularly in the JOUR 100 course that I designed specifically for brand new students at the university level, and in the JOUR 424 course that finds my students producing a live, half-hour newscast for the web each weekday for ten weeks every semester.  So I get to see students at the very beginning of their college careers…and, for many of them, at the very end.  It is very satisfying to see the personal and professional growth in students over the four or five years that I have contact with them, and even more satisfying when those students move on to jobs in the industry or on to graduate school.

Feel free to peruse my website.  You’ll find pages that list recommended courses and the current catalog requirements for our majors, a page for my own research interests and writing, and others.  As always, if you have any questions about our program in the Hank Greenspun School, or any comments about this website that might make it better, please use the contact form on the Undergraduate Coordinator page and let me know.  I look forward to hear from you!
